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GM Announcement

Hi All

On Monday of this week David our GM informed us that he had been offered the opportunity to take up the vacant position of GM at North Shore Golf Club.

Whilst this was not an easy decision for him there were a number of reasons both personal (David lives 5mins from the club), and professional that led to him deciding to accept the offer.

David will not be starting in the new role until January 2024 to allow the club time to find the right person to replace him. The club has this week advertised the role and is being supported by the Golf Managers Association through the recruitment process.

We will let the members know when there is any further update.

Waitemata Golf Club – Board of Management

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Course Update

This week we took delivery of a new Rough Mower. The old mowing unit was showing it's age after 8 years of use and has been traded in as part of the deal for the new mower. 

The rough mower is one of the most used pieces of kit in the Greens Shed therefore essential to helping the team keep the course in such good condition.

We have also replaced a number of ball washers out on the course this week with what we hope will be more durable units. 

Unfortunately, we did have someone take a big divot out of the 10th Green the other day. Please take care when on the greens to ensure that they are left in the best possible condition. 

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Summer Sunday 9's Starts next weekend.

Are you keen for a twilight golf event but Tuesday's don't work for you? 

This is a chance to get out and meet some new people, playing a fun format where everyone contributes to the team result. Enter with a partner or on your own and we'll put you in a group of 4, playing team Ambrose.  All you need to know on the rules can be explained on the day.

Tee times have been reserved for Sunday 19th between 3.30pm and 5pm.

Enter through the pro shop. Entry fee $5 with prizes of Waitemata GC $$ up for grabs each week.

Junior Twilight

Now the days are getting longer and school is winding down for the year, we invite our junior members to tee it up together on Wednesday afternoons for Junior Twilight.

Times will be set aside for juniors to play from 3.30pm each Wednesday afternoon.

Formats will vary from week to week. Ambrose, Foursomes, matchplay, pairs 4BBB. Enter a team or on your own and we'll get you booked in.

Register asap by emailing Brad at


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Waitemata Golf Club
(09) 445 8716
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